Rinse the prawn shells and place them in a large pot with the water. Heat to boiling, strain the broth and discard the shells.
My favourite food. Here are some of the Malaysian cuisines that I crave for. There are more mouth-watering cuisines in Malaysia. But most of them is only available when my mom cooks.
This is one of the all time favourite Malay dessert. It is fantastic when you bring them along for a picnic.
14 oz glutinous rice flour
10 oz sweet potatoes
3 tbsp pandan juice [screwpine leaves]
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp water
4 oz gula Melaka [Malaccan sugar]
2 cups fresh grated coconut
Break up the gula Melaka [Malaccan sugar] into small pieces. Peel, cook and mash sweet potatoes. Sieve glutinous flour into a large bowl
Add mashed sweet potatoes and pandan juice. Mix well to combine and knead into a dough. Form dough into small balls, about 1 inch diameter
Make a hole in the center of the ball and fill with a small piece of gula Melaka. Roll again to make it into a small ball. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the dough balls. When they float to the surface of the water, remove and place on a draining tray or sieve. Add salt to the fresh grated coconut. Mix well. Roll the cooked glutinous balls over the coconut. Best served warm - pops in your mouth with a sweet sensation of oozing gula Melaka [Malaccan sugar] syrup!
This dish is served in almost all meals. It really gets your appetite to roar for more.
“Nasi Ulam” is a traditional dish for the Malays in Malaysia. There are various kinds of preparation for “Nasi Ulam”. It comprises of shredded raw leaves and some spices. Just mix it with rice and it will be ready for serving.
The best part about this dish is that you won’t put your spoon and fork down.
1 grated coconut - dry fried and pounded
12 shallots - finely sliced and fried until brown and crispy
10 cloves garlic - finely sliced and fried
1 tumeric leaf - finely shredded
1 tbsp lime leave - finely shredded
600 gms fish - fried and flaked
600 gms small prawns - cleaned and fried in 1 tbsp oil
5 cups cooked rice
1 cucumber - diced
3 red and green chillies - sliced
1 bowl chicken stock
Salt to taste Oil for fryingPreparation:-
Mix the rice with all the ingredients, adding in a little at a time. Use the chicken stock to moisten the mixture to taste. Serve with a “sambal” of your choice.